Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war agains Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war against its women. Julia is searching for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she will weave through the stories and struggles of the different women she will meet.详情
Xúlio Abonjo,Farruco Castromán,Miguel de Lira,洛拉·杜埃尼亚斯,Antonio Durán 'Morris',Marcos Javier Fernández Eimil,Federico Pérez Rey,Ledicia Sola,路易斯·托萨尔,Xosé A. Touri?án,胡安·卡洛斯·凡希多
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