Doc Martin, one of UK's iconic TV characters played by Martin Clunes (Manhunt), hangs up his stethoscope as the long-running titular series comes to an end after 10 seasons and 1 Doc Martin, one of UK's iconic TV characters played by Martin Clunes (Manhunt), hangs up his stethoscope as the long-running titular series comes to an end after 10 seasons and 18 years on-air. This one-hour documentary directed by Stuart Orme and produced by Evie-Bergson-Korn spotlights the longevity and impact locally and around the world of Doc Martin over the years, as well as offering behind the scenes of the final season with the cast and crew. From scripting and pre-production to shooting and delivery, meet the regular characters that live and work in the picturesque Cornish town of Portwenn, the key crew behind the camera, the residents of Port Isaac, the show's real-life setting, and the visitors who come solely because Doc Martin films there. The main cast includes: Caroline Catz, Dame Eileen Atkins, Ian McNeice, Joe Absolom and Jessica Ransom.详情
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