When Maggie Dolan - Young, who works in a legal aid center in Chicago, hears here father Frank Dolan is in mortal danger, she returns after years to her birthplace, Hidden Lake; heWhen Maggie Dolan - Young, who works in a legal aid center in Chicago, hears here father Frank Dolan is in mortal danger, she returns after years to her birthplace, Hidden Lake; he recently retired as sheriff and apparently shot himself deer-hunting, but an autopsy shows he was murdered. Then she learns from reporter Zach Roth that dad was suspected of prisoner abuse. Her best friend before she left, Sam, then shows her the towns economy was largely taken over by development company Lorango, which owns the newspaper too, until it was stopped as Frank enforced legal licensing obligations; gradually more secrets from the past start to fit in and compromise just about everybody, and her life is threatened for real... Written by KGF Vissers详情
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